Tag Archives: new bloggers

Liebster Blog Award—Thank You!

Dear Readers,

I’ve been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award! Thank You Manu Kurup!


Had no idea what this meant, so I did a little research. The origins are a little sketchy, but I found that the award is dedicated to up and coming bloggers with less than either 200 or 3000 followers, and Liebster means “dearest” or “favorite.”

I appreciate all my readers, and I nominate all of the up and coming blogs I follow. I don’t mean to minimize the meaning of the award by not nominating a specific few, but anyone who has started a blog deserves this award for making WordPress a charmingly diverse site for all of us to enjoy. I’ve read and shared some great blog entries on this site, and I’m happy to be a part of the WordPress community.

Congrats to us all!

Thank You

~ MS